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You will not be able to carry out the following Transactions without Huduma namba

As the government carries out Huduma Namba forums in different counties, here are some of the transactions you will not be able to carry out without it.

Huduma Namba Transactions

We take a close look at some of the transactions a common Kenyan will not be able to undertake without this crucial document. Here is a list of some of the things you won’t be able to do without Huduma Namba

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1. Open a bank account
2. Transact in the financial markets
3. Register or transfer a motor vehicle
4. Access social protection services
5. Be issued with a passport
6. Register a mobile phone number
7. Apply for driving licence
8. Pay taxes
9. Resister a business ,company or public benefit organization
10. Access universal healthcare services
11. Register for electricity connection
12. Benefit from the government housing scheme
13. Transfer or make any dealings in land
14. Register a marriage
15. Enroll into a public educational facility
16. Register as a voter
17. Access other public service

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As the era of digital collection of population data takes shape through Huduma Namba ,management of this data is key, whereas this information if properly managed can be used for service delivery to the Kenyan people, a lot of questions remains unanswered on usage and privacy.

Risks and challenges

During the roll out of this exercise, we experienced court battles that barred the government from collecting bio data from the citizens. This and many other factors if left unchecked can be a time bomb waiting to explored. Cases of people’s information being misused is not a new thing especially in this digital era. If the data will not be properly protected cases of cyber crime might hit the roof.

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Population data landing in wrong hand might see individuals being spied on without their knowledge. This might cause more harm than good as citizens will be vulnerable to any risk and privacy will be a thing of the past.
There is also fear of influential people in and out of the government using this population data in their own selfish interest to propagate their agendas. Companies might also use this data for their selfish gains if laws are not enforced on accessibility and use of persons data.
The national security might also be at stake in case this data is accessed by other governments deemed as enemies to the republic of kenya.

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Our hope as a nation is that this data will be used in the rightful manner for service delivery to citizens and that the government will prioritize the safety and privacy of individuals information

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