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TSC To Recruit 1,517 Teachers But on a Condition

The Teachers Service Commission TSC has advertised 1,517 post following vacancies in Garissa, Wajir and Mandera. Of the 1,517 vacancies, 1,148 posts are for primary teachers while 369 posts will be allocated to secondary school.

The TSC 1,517 vacancies are permanent and pensionable and candidates who qualify will be posted to schools within Mandera, Garissa or Wajir.

According to the advertisement send out from the TSC website, the teaching vacancies comes with a condition. All applicants must be Kenyan Citizens from Mandera, Wajir or Garissa counties. The advert dated 18th June read.

Interested candidates who meet the qualifications have been asked to make their applications online through the teachers online platform before Tuesday, 30th June, 2020.

Eligibility for Application
  1. Be a Kenyan citizen from Mandera, Wajir or Garissa counties
  2. Must have original Professional and Academic Certificates
  3. Must be registered as a teacher as per Section 23 of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012
  4. Must be holders of PI Certificate (for vacancies in Primary Schools)
  5. Must be holders of a minimum of Diploma in Education Certificate (for vacancies in Secondary Schools)

Also Read:TSC Sets a New Condition For Teachers Before Implementing July Pay Raise

At the same time TSC has also advertised some 500 post on a 3 year contract in the same counties of Mandera, Wajir and Garissa

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