KMTC Admission| Online Application Process
The Kenya Medical Training College usually invites applicants from qualified candidates for admission into various Medical courses. The intake usually takes place each year with the first intake taking place in the month of March and the second in September. Applications are usually done online and in this article we outline the KMTC online application process.
All applications are done online from the application portal on the KMTC website. The prospective candidates apply for admission into courses for each academic year for Regular or Parallel Category. The Regular category have subsidized fee with optional accommodation but no choice for campus while the parallel category have non subsidized fee, no accommodation option but have option for campuses choice in more than sixty five (65) campuses situated in different parts of the country depending on the courses.
Qualifications For Nursing Course in Kenya
- Prospective candidates are expected to visit the applicants’ portal, read the advertisement to know the various courses and their specific entry requirements.
- Candidates interested in making an application are advised to read the application guidelines (preservice/Inservice) carefully available on the application portal
- Applicants are then supposed to create an online account before they can make application
- Candidates are advised to follow the steps carefully given in the application guideline to the end to be sure of application success.
- It is important to note that the application period has timelines as stipulated on the advertisement. It is important to read them carefully before beginning the application process.
Point to Note
All applicants for admission to KMTC are advised to ensure that their applications are correctly done so as to compete for opportunities fairly; some of the areas to note are as follows;
- KMTC has many courses at various levels and varying entry requirement clusters hence taking time to read the advertisement that has key information necessary for the application to be made with clear information
- Determine the course you would like to study and be sure you qualify.
- Plan for your training at KMTC on time, funding and social support
- Be ready to take up your course if successful in any part of this country since our campuses are spread all over the country
- Follow APPLICATION GUIDELINES and ensure you have applied in time and correctly

Instructions to applicants
- Go through the advert to check the courses you are qualified for.
- If you had already applied before, you don’t have to register again. Just login using the email you had created before.
- If you have forgotten your login details, click on Forgot email/Forgot passowrd? button
- You can only apply for the course you are qualified for
- Use the user guide provided above to make your Application process easier
- Ensure that you have all the documents stated in the user guide
- Ensure that the scanned documents are less than 2 MB in size
- Refer to the advert for the correct academic calender and intake
Best Performing Kenya Medical Training Colleges KMTC
KMTC Application Procedure- Inservice(Upgrading and Post basic)
- Visit KMTC Website.
- Click on application portal on the top right side of the website.
- Login and enter your email address and password.
- You will be directed to
- Click Application then click Apply Inservice.
- Select level (UPGRADING), Academic Calendar, Intake and click NEXT.
- Select course and click next.
- Fill the form as required and click apply course
- Upload your documents. The documents includes; Professional Diploma or Certificate of profession Diploma or Certificate, National ID front and back page separately,KCSE Certificate, Copy of regulatory body certificate/ License
- Pay Ksh.2,022 nonrefundable fee to pay bill number 964150 and your ID number as the Account Number
- Once you have paid you will be redirected to My Application page. Review your application then click submit.
- Upon submission you will receive a confirmation message on your phone
KMTC Application Procedure-Preservice Candidates
- Visit KMTC Website i.e.
- Click on application portal on the top right side of the website.
- If you do not have an account, click Register in the form provided and fill in your details
as required then submit. You’ll be redirected into a personal details form which you fill
and submit.
- If you have an account, click Login and input your email address and password.
- You will be directed to Dashboard.
- On the left side bar of the Dashboard, Click Application then click Apply Preservice.
- Fill in your KCSE subject scores correctly and click submit.
- You’ll be redirected to uploads section. You’re required to USE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT upload 4 documents
as guided by the system
- KCSE Certificate or Results Slip(2018 candidates only)
- Leaving Certificate
iii. National ID or Birth Certificate front page
- National Id or Birth Certificate Back Page
- You’ll be redirected to My Uploads Page. Here you’ll review your uploads and make changes if need be.
- Click ‘Submit’ to Submit your uploads. Once you submit uploads you can no longer be able to change them.
- Click Next: proceed to make application
- Select level (Certificate or Diploma) , Select Calendar ,Select Intake and click NEXT.
- Select course and you will be redirected to choice 2 (Optional)
- If you want to apply for choice 2, select course and or click skip option to skip choice 2
- 15. Pay 2,022 to pay bill number 964150 and enter account number carefully (Your ID Number), You will see this after you have logged into your account.
- Once you have paid you will be redirected to My Application page. Review your application then click submit
- Upon submission you will receive a confirmation message on your phone
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