How to contact Mshwari- NCBA Bank Contacts
In one way or another you will need to contact Mshwari for any assistance or complaint.
Mshwari and Fuliza are all mobile money loan services offered by NCBA bank and all you need to contact Mshwari is to have NCBA customer care phone number or contact details.
National Commercial Bank of Africa (NCBA) has straight forward channels for anyone who wish to contact the bank for Mshwari or Fuliza related issues.
One can as well use the same customer care contacts to get their NCBA account related issues solved.
There are various ways you can use to contact Mshwari. Among the available means you can use to contact Mshwari is through the Mshwari or NCBA customer care number
You can also contact Mshwari by writing an email to them and lastly another best way to contact Mshwari is by visiting the nearest NCBA bank.
With any of these methods your issues will be addressed.
But why should you contact Mshwari?
Cases such as loan application, account statements and loan clearance are some of the issues you may need to contact Mshwari.
For instance, cases were you have paid your Mshwari loan but the account is still listed as default may require that you contact Mshwari. Many cases involving CRB Clearance will require that you contact Mshwari and request for payment batch numbers for CRB clearance.
In most cases, Mshwari would send you the batches directly to your phone number upon clearing your defaulted loan that was listed.
Mshwari customer care contacts
To contact Mshwari use the below customer care contacts;
Mshwari Customer Care Contact Tel: +254 20 2884444
Mshwari Customer Care Toll Number: 0800 720 444
Mshwari Customer Care Mobile Number: +254 711 056444/+254 732 15644
NCBA Postal Address
Mara Rd. Upper-hill P.O Box 44599-00100, Nairobi Kenya
To give confidential information to NCBA or Mshwari as a whistle blower, use the below contact details to report any incident.
Whistle blow Line (Toll Free): 0800722626
Toll Free Fax: 00800007788
READ:How To Update Your CRB Status After Making Loan Repayment
Mshwari branches and offices
To access Mshwari branch near you, visit the nearest NCBA bank near you and you will be assisted on all your Mshwari issues.
NCBA bank branches are allover Kenya that one can visit.