Mash Poa Mombasa to Mumias Bus Fare Charges, Online Booking, Office Location and Contacts
Mash Poa offers competitive fare prices for travelers from Mombasa to Mumias. In this article, I will share Mash Poa Mombasa -Mumias bus fare charges, online booking process, booking office location and contacts.
Mash Poa Mombasa to Mumias Bus Fare Charges
To travel from Mombasa to Mumias with Mash Poa, you will be charged Ksh. 1,800 for a Regular bus fare ticket, Ksh. 2,300 for a Business bus fare ticket and Ksh. 2,800 for a VIP bus fare ticket. The prices may change depending on your time of travel.
How to book Mash Poa Online
To book Mash Poa online, visit the official Mash Poa official website. You can also download the Mash Poa mobile app form Google Play store or app store. Here you will be able to book the bus in advance and pay via Mpesa. Mash Poa also offers parcel delivery services.
Mash Poa Mombasa Office Location and Contacts
Call Centre:
+254 730 889 000
+254 733 623 260
+254 736 500 863
Nyali Caravan:
+254 723 463 685
Haile Selassie Caravan:
+254 717 088 588
Parcel Office:
+254 708 428 443
Makupa Office:
+ 254 701 775 666
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