Malindi Water and Sewerage Company Paybill Number and Contacts
Malindi water and sewerage company has made it easy for customers to pay water bills through their M-Pesa paybill number. You can also contact them for inquiries and assistance easily
Malindi Water and Sewerage Company (MAWASCO) was incorporated on 24th August 2005 and came into full operation on 1st February 2006. It is one of the Service Providers contracted by Coast Water Services Board under a Service Provision Agreement to provide water and sewerage services in the Malindi District.
Malindi water and Sewerage company paybill number
To pay your water bill to Malindi water and sewerage company, use the Malindi water M-Pesa paybill number 708001
How to pay water bill to Malindi Water
To pay your water bill via M-Pesa
- Go to lipa na MPESA then paybill
• Enter paybill no. 708001
• Enter your water account number eg 1279048921
• Enter amount to pay eh Sh.1200
• Enter your MPESA pin and send
• You shall get a confirmation SMS from both M-pesa and Malindi water confirming your payment your payment.
Malindi water contacts
You can contact Malindi water through
Nakuru Rural Water and Sanitation Company (NARUWASCO) Paybill number, accounts Number and Contacts.
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