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How To

How To Apply For A CRB Clearance Certificate In Kenya- Step By Step Procedure

The Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) Certificate can be issued to any individual or institution that has a positive credit history. Getting a CRB clearance certificate in Kenya is a simple process, and I will walk you through the steps you will need to follow and how to apply for a CRB Clearance Certificate.

Here are 9 steps to follow when applying for a CRB Clearance Certificate in Kenya;

CRB clearance Certificate

9 Steps to follow when applying for a CRB Clearance Certificate in Kenya

Step 1: Decide how you want to apply for the CRB Certificate

First, you need to decide if you want to apply for the certificate yourself or through a CRB agent an agent. Getting a CRB agent to take you the process is the quickest way of getting a CRB Clearance certificate. There are a number of reliable agents to help you through this. If you want to do it yourself, follow the next step

Step 2: Register with CRB

Register with A CRB service provider before you can proceed. There are three major CRB bodies that you can register with. Metropol, TransUnion and credit info. In this article, we shall focus on getting CRB Clearance certificate from Metropol and TransUnion.

To register with TransUnion send Sh50 to Mpesa Paybill number 212121 and your ID as the account Number.

To register with Metropol dial *433# and follow the prompt. You will be asked to pay Sh.100 registration fee.

Step 3: Check Your Listing Status

Get your credit report from CRB to know if you are listed and is you have any amount in arrears that needs to be paid. To get your credit report, you can contact CRB offices directly and ask for your credit report.

Step 4: Get your CRB report

To generate your credit report from TransUnio, you will have to download their app after from Google Play store or App store after you have registered. For Metropol, you can as well get it though their mobile app or dial*433# and follow the prompts and generate your report.

Step 5: Check for accounts with default payment

the next step in getting your CRB clearance certificate is to check for any accounts that are in default. You can find this through your report. Alternatively, you can contact CRB Agents to help you with this.

Step 6: Note the accounts in default

Once you have identified accounts that are in default, you will need to make any pending payments before your accounts can be updated and closed. Its only then that you will be eligible to apply for a CRB Clearance Certificate.

Step 7: Ask for payment batch number from the money lender

Once you have paid the amount in default or arrears, you will need to request for batch numbers associated with your payment account. This batch number will be required by CRB or Agents for Clearance. Most money lenders should be able to issue you with a batch number after 24hours of making the payment.

Step 8: Get Your Accounts Updated

The next step is to get your accounts updated. You can contact CRB Agents to find out if your account can be updated without the batch number. Should they be unable to update in this situation, they will require you submit the batch number from the money lender for the said account.

Once you meet the requirements, your account will be updated.

Step 9: Get your CRB Clearance certificate.

Once all your accounts have been updated only then you will be eligible for a clearance certificate. Call your CRB service provider or agent to process for you a clearance certificate.

You will be charged 2200 for the clearance certificate. Once the certificate has been generated in your name, you will be notified instantly via email or SMS.

The certificate is valid for a period of one year.

Trans Union Contacts

For trans union crb contacts use;

  • Body: Credit Reference Bureau Africa Limited (Trans Union)
  • Phone: +254730 651 000 or +2540203751344
  • Email:
  • Physical Address: 2nd Floor Delta Annex, Ring road, Westlands,Nairobi
  • SMS: 21272

Metropol Contacts

Metropol crb contacts;

Creditinfo Contacts


Read>>How To Update Your CRB Status After Making Loan Repayment

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