Nanyuki Water and sewerage company NAWASCO Paybill Number, Account Numbers and Contacts
Nanyuki Water and sewerage company NAWASCO Paybill Number, Account Numbers and Contacts. NAWASCO is a corporate entity established under the company act, cap 486 of laws of Kenya as an agent of the Northern Water Services Board with the mandate of providing water and sanitation services within Nanyuki Municipality and its environs on a self-sustaining basis.
NAWASCO Paybill Number
You can now pay your water bill and sewer fees easily through the NAWASCO M-Pesa Paybill Number 540300.
How to pay your Water Bill through NAWASCO M-Pesa Paybill Number
- Open M-pesa on the phone
- Go to Lipa na Mpesa
- Select Pay bill from the M-pesa menu
- Enter business Number 540300
- Enter your water connection number
- Enter the amount eg Ksh.1500
- Enter your secret PIN and press OK
You will receive a confirmation SMS from both MPesa and NAWASCO confirming your payment
NAWASCO Bank Account
You can also pay your NAWASCO water and sewerage bills through the following banks
- Family Bank
- Postbank
- Equity bank
- Sadian Bank
- Posta
How to contact NAWASCO
For complains or inquiries you can contact Nawasco through
Nanyuki Water and Sewrage Company
P.O BOX 995-10400,Nanyuki
P: (062)31351
P: (+254)716136559
T: Toll Free: 0800721101
H: Physical office working hours; Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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