List Of All KCB Bank Branches In Nyandarua County And Their Location
Currently, KCB bank has only one branch in the whole of Nyandarua. This is KCB Njabini Branch. In this article I will share details of all KCB branches within Nyandarua among them branch location, contacts and working hours.
You can visit any of the branches for assistance or simply call their official branch number to get any assistance. You can as well visit these branches for transaction, opening an account or get any assisted. You can also easily transact with various KCB agents near you.
List Of All KCB Bank Branches In Nyandarua County And Their Location
- KCB Njabini Branch
Location: KCB Building Njabini Njabini Road Njabini Town
Contact: 0709748649
Working Days/Hours: Monday – Friday: 08.30 AM – 04.00 PM
Saturdays: 8.30am – 12.00 noon
Sundays & Public Holidays – Closed
KBC bank has a strong network through out the country with hundreds of branches.