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How Winnie Lost Ksh.600,000 From Her Bank Account To Hackers

Bank Hacking:Banking sector is still facing a lot of security challenges despite heavy investments in cyber security. Hackers seems to be one step ahead as how they maneuver the set sophisticated security systems and siphon huge amount from clients bank accounts is a dilemma. This is the case of Winnie who lost Ksh.600,000 from her Absa Bank account previously Known as Barclays bank.

In her revelation, Winnie says amount totaling to Ksh.600,000 was withdrawn from her bank account through numerous transactions that happened within a very short period of time

She claims that her Absa Account was illegally accessed on May 11, 2020 at night.

“On 11th I was working the night shift. I passed by a fuel station at Kasarani where I swiped my card for Sh. 1,000,” she Said.

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While at work, she said that she received a message notification from Absa Bank Kenya that Sh. 0 had been debited in her account. About the message minute, she received another notification that Sh. 109 had been debited but was immediately debited back.

“We dialed (with a colleague) the customer care but at the same time, another debit of Sh. 265,000 was made in her account,” she claimed. Winnie said that the customer care person she contacted did not block her card but instead transferred her to the fraud team. “By the time the fraud team was getting back to me, a transaction of three phases had been made, a total amount of Sh. 600,000 had been debited from the account,” said the woman.

However, the bank acknowledges that indeed Winnies account was compromised but refute the amount withdrawn from her account to be Sh.600,000. Absa bank claims that Winnie is exaggerating the amount and that only Ksh. 80,000 was illegally withdrawn from the account during the hacking fiasco.

Absa bank has since offered to refund Sh.80,000 even as it pursues the hackers.

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