BusinessHow To

11 Steps To Start A Successful Beauty Shop Business In Kenya: All You Need To Know

The beauty industry is a very lucrative market. It has been growing at an exponential rate and currently, it is the fourth largest industry in Kenya. This means that there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to enter the industry.

With the beauty shop industry in Kenya growing rapidly and seeing a lot of new players, it is a good idea to start your own beauty shop business. The beauty shops in Kenya offer many products such as cosmetics, hair care products and more. If you are interested in starting your own beauty shop business then this article will guide you through the process of setting up your own beauty shop business.


How To Start A Beauty Shop Business In Kenya

Step 1: Determine what kind of business you want to start

You need to think about what type of business you want to start so that later on you can make sure that it aligns with your goals and objectives. Make sure that it meets with all the required requirements such as location, employees and other financial requirements.

Step 2: Perform a market research

The second step is doing a market research. Doing market research is to identify the target audience for your beauty shop business. For example, if you are planning on selling skin care products, then your target audience would be women who are interested in looking younger and beautiful.

You can also find out what products they buy and how much they spend on them by conducting some surveys among people who fit into your target audience category. This will help you get a better understanding of what they want from a beauty shop and how much they are willing to pay for it.

Step 3: Find an ideal location for your beauty shop

You need to find an ideal location for your beauty shop because this will determine how much money you will end up spending on rent for the space or whether there is another option available as well which can save you some money. You can also look at other factors such as whether there is enough parking space available or if there are other places nearby where customers could be served better than if they had come directly from their homes instead.

Step 4: Determine your budget

The amount of money that you spend on your business will depend on the type of equipment, supplies and services that you offer and whether or not you have any employees. You should also consider whether or not you need a space to operate out of, such as an office or retail location.

If you have employees, then they will also need training and uniforms so that they can provide excellent customer service at all times.

Step 5: Buy or lease a space for your shop

If you’re planning on buying a property, then you’ll need to find a location that is both suitable for your business and within your budget. You should also consider how long you expect the business to last, as well as how long it will take to pay off the property’s mortgage in full.

If you’re planning on leasing instead of buying, then you’ll need to find an available space with adequate square footage and facilities that will meet your needs. You may also be required by law to get permission from the landlord before proceeding with any renovations or changes. You will need to redesign and decorate your beauty shop according to your needs. You will be required to pay the deposit for the shop and rent as well.

Step 6: Get your licenses and permits

If you want to start a beauty shop business in Kenya, you’ll need to get your licenses and permits from the county government. These are important documents that show the government that you are operating legally. You will need them to buy products wholesale and to open a bank account.

If you will be playing music for entertainment at your shop, then you also need to get licensing from the MCSK.

Step 7: Identify your Suppliers

Your beauty shop business will be a success if you can get your hands on the right suppliers. The key to getting the best suppliers is to know what you need and what they can provide. This way, you will be able to find someone who will provide the services you need at an affordable price.

The first step in finding the right supplier is by determining what you need. A good supplier will be able to provide all your needs, so make sure that they have everything you want before choosing them as your supplier. You should also find out if they are reliable, trustworthy and efficient in their work.

Once you have found a reliable supplier, it is time for you to discuss with them about your requirements and expectations from them. It is important to give a key consideration on their pricing.

Step 8: Stock your Beauty Shop

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to make sure you have everything you need before you open for business. You want to be able to walk into your new shop and feel confident that you have everything you need to give your customers what they’re looking for.

You may want to start with the basics: chairs, mirrors, sinks, and all the other furniture and equipment needed for a fully functional beauty shop. Then, work on stocking up on products. This may include;

Beauty Shop Products For Stock


-Conditioners and other hair care products

-Body lotions

-Soaps and perfumes

-Makeup including eye shadow palettes, lipsticks and eye liners

-Manicure sets including nail polishes;

-Pedicure sets including foot soaks;

-Facial masks;

-Bath salts;

-Bath bombs;



-Curlers (for both men’s and women’s hair);

-Hair dryers;

-Hair straighteners/curling irons;

-Curling tongs/flat irons/straightening tongs (for both men’s and women’s hair);

-Clippers/trimmers and many more.

Step 9: Hire Staff Members

At some point, it will become necessary for you to hire staff members who can help run things behind-the-scenes while also providing exceptional customer service towards those who come in each day or week looking for specific products related specifically towards their needs.

If you are planning to start a beauty shop business and have little or no experience in this field, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process. The good news is that there are many things you can do to ensure your success.

One of these is hiring employees and contractors who will help you with day-to-day operations. You may need to hire people who specialize in different areas such as marketing, accounting and customer service. You may also want someone with experience managing inventory or handling equipment maintenance issues such as plumbing or electrical repairs.

Step 10: Market your business

Marketing your business is the key to success, and it’s something you should start doing as soon as you have an idea for your own beauty shop. If you want to be successful in this industry, you’ll need to learn how to market your business. Here are some tips!

1. Create a Brand

You may think that creating a brand is only for big corporations with lots of money to spend on marketing. You can create a brand for your beauty shop with just a little bit of time and effort. Start by adding something personal to your business: maybe your favorite color or animal or hobby? Whatever makes it special will help you stand out from all the other shops in town.

2. Use Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to reach potential clients at no cost. All you need is an Instagram, Facebook or twitter account and some great photos of your products and maybe even some selfies. Use hashtags that people might search for when looking for beauty services, such as #beautycare or #mua. You can also tag other businesses that offer similar services in order to drive traffic their way too.

Takeaway: Take advantage of social media and other marketing strategies to reach your target customers

Step 11: Work on Customer Retention Plan

Customer retention is the secret to success in any business, but it’s especially important for beauty shops. In Kenya, there are a lot of people who want to be involved in the beauty industry, which means it’s easy to find another shop down the street. How do you make your shop stand out?

First, you need to make sure that your customer service is on point. This means greeting customers with a smile and making them feel welcome, even if they’re new. You can also go above and beyond by offering extra services like free samples or discounts for loyal customers, which will help them remember you when it comes time for their next visit.

Second, you’ll want to make sure that your prices are competitive with other beauty shops in the area. If you want more customers coming through the doors of your shop then there needs to be something different about how you approach your business than what other beauty shops offer. Above all, you need to sell great products.

Takeaway: Starting a beauty shop can be a rewarding experience if you approach it with planning, patience and determination.

Hair saloon

Tips to Start A successful Beauty Shop Business

Beauty shops are an essential part of the economy. They provide a service that people need and enjoy, and they can be a great source of income. If you’re thinking about starting your own beauty shop, here are some tips to help you get started:

-Make sure your location is ideal for a beauty shop. If it’s not in a good spot, or if it’s too far away from other businesses, then customers will have trouble finding it.

-Find out what kind of equipment you need for your business before purchasing any items. You may be able to get some used equipment at low cost from other salons that are closing down.

-Don’t forget about marketing. You’ll need to advertise your business before anyone knows about it—that way when people come into town looking for a new salon, they’ll find yours first.

Read:How To Import Business Goods From China

Is Beauty Shop Business profitable?

Beauty Shop Business in Kenya has been a profitable business for many years, and it continues to be a profitable business. The beauty shop business has been in existence for many decades now and has been growing steadily. t is one of the most profitable businesses around because it does not require much capital to start.

The beauty shop business is also known to be a great way to make money by women who do not have any other source of income. But now it is attracting professionals and men as well. This is because many have realized how lucrative it is.

Beauty shops can be started with very little capital, but they require some investment in equipment such as nail clippers, manicure sets, hair dryers, curling irons, combs and brushes etc. In Kenya, many beauty shops also doubles up as salons where customers come in for various treatments such as manicures, pedicures and hair styling. Most people do not know that there are different types of beauty shops which include:

Types Of Beauty Shops

Salon: This type of business is usually run by a professional hair stylist who also offers makeup services and other beauty treatments like manicures and pedicures. The salon owner is responsible for hiring staff members who will help with all aspects of running the business.

Beauty supply store: This type of business sells products like makeup, skin care products, nail polish, hair extensions and more to consumers who want to look their best. A beauty supply store owner can choose whether or not they want their business to offer any services like hair cuts or makeup application.

Tanning salon: Tanning salons have been around for decades because people love having tanned skin year round. You can offer spray tanning services in addition to other tanning options such as beds or booths. You may also sell sunless tanning lotions so customers can get their glow without burning up on hot days.

Day Spas: Day spas are great if you’re looking for a place where you can get your nails done, and maybe even try out massages, facials, and other treatments that are meant to help relieve stress.

Takeaway: If you think you can be successful in the beauty shop business, don’t hesitate to give it a try.

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Majira Media

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