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Top 7 best Cement Brands To Buy In Kenya

Looking forward to start your construction work? You will need to have all the necessary construction material i n place and not that materials bust quality materials. For a long lusting construction project whether it is a house you are building or a you are setting up a major construction, you will need to use quality cement.

There are a number of cement factories in Kenya you can go for for cement. Below is a list of top 7 best cement brand you should buy in Kenya for your construction project.

Top 7 best Cement Brands To Buy In Kenya

  1. Bamburi Cement

The Bamburi Cement Factory, located in Mombasa, Kenya, is the largest cement factory in the country and one of the largest in Africa. It produces up to 1.2 million tons of cement per year, which is enough to build over 36 kilometers of highway. The factory was built in 1973 and has been growing ever since then.

The factory produces Portland cement clinker for use in concrete production as well as cement for industrial purposes such as making tiles and bricks. The company also provides raw materials to other companies who produce Portland cement products such as wallboards, coatings, and concretes that are used in construction projects throughout Kenya.

  1. East African Portland Cement

East African Portland cement is a popular cement in Kenya, and it’s also the most widely used type of cement in Africa. It’s made with a mixture of limestone and clay, which are heated at extremely high temperatures.

This type of cement is particularly useful because it doesn’t require additives like gypsum or fly ash to make it stronger—it gets its strength from the chemical bonds between the calcium carbonate in the limestone and the silicate in the clay.

The manufacturing process for East African Portland cement is similar to that of other types of cement: first, limestone is mined from quarries; then it’s ground into small pieces; finally, it’s mixed with clay and heated at high temperatures until its molecules bond together into crystals that make up this particular type of cement.

  1. Savannah Cement

Savannah Cement is a Kenyan-based enterprise in Athi River that specializes in cement production.

Savannah Cement’s current plant is located in Nairobi, Kenya, and has an annual capacity of one million tons of cement products. The company’s products are sold throughout Kenya and to other African countries like Rwanda and Tanzania. Savannah Cement also has an international presence through its subsidiary companies: Savannah Cement International (SCI), which operates in South Sudan; Savannah Cement Co., Ltd., based in Ethiopia; and Savannah Cement Cameroon SA, based in Cameroon.

Savannah Cement is considered one of the most innovative companies in the cement industry in Africa with their patented technology that makes them one of the most sought after manufacturers of high quality cement and concrete products.

  1. Simba Cement

Simba Cement is a leading cement brand produced by national cement factory. National Cement is based in Nairobi, Kenya, but it ships cement all over the world through its website or through its network of distributors. The company produces a wide range of products including sand for construction projects, concrete blocks for housing projects, and mortar that can be used to add strength to existing structures.

  1. Mombasa Cement

Mombasa Cement is one of the leading cement factories in Kenya. It is located in Mombasa, Kenya and was established in 1972. The factory has a production capacity of 2000 tons per day. Their products include Portland cement, blended cements, ready mixed concrete, and pre-blended concrete blocks. They also supply other construction materials like sand, aggregates, bricks and so on.

Mombasa Cement has received awards for its excellent quality products including:

* Kenya Quality Award – Best Cement Supplier (2018)

* Eastern Africa Quality Award – Best Cement Supplier (2016)

  1. ARM Africa Ltd

ARM Africa Ltd formerly Athi River Mining Limited produces several different types of cement including Portland Cement, Sulfate Resistant Cement, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), High Alumina Content Cement (HAC), Low Heat Cement (LHC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). They also produce clinker which is another ingredient used to make concrete.

In Kenya alone, it has a market share of more than 18.6% and it produces many other products but Rhino Cement is its major venture.

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  1. Lafarge Cement

Lafarge Cement Company is one of the top cement factories in Kenya. The company is also very popular in other countries such as South Africa, Egypt, Sudan and Tanzania. It was founded by a French businessman named Henry Lafarge in 1835. The company started off as a limestone mining company but later on shifted to cement production.

The company has been operating for over 160 years and has managed to maintain its position as one of the leading producers of cement in Kenya. The company produces over 6 million tonnes of cement each year which is enough to meet the needs of many households and businesses.

The company has two factories located at Mombasa and Nakuru respectively. They also run a quarry where they extract limestone from underground mines located near Mtito Andei Town in western Kenya. Lafarge Cement Company sells its products through agents who have been appointed by them throughout Kenya and other parts of Africa where they have operations like South Africa, Egypt etc.

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