
List Of All Parastatals/State Corporations In Kenya

State Corporations also known as Parastatals are organizations and companies owned by the government (the Government controls the majority of all of the Shares). They are established under Section 3 of the State Corporations Act, Cap 446, or by an act of Parliament, or under the Companies Act. Currently Kenya has over 245 state Corporations.

Initially, parastatals were established mainly in the agricultural sector. Now they can also be found almost in all economic sectors. From eneryg, mining, learning institution to public service. Here is a list of all Parastalas in Kenya.

List Of All Parastatals In Kenya

  List Of Parastatals In Kenya 
1. Agricultural Development Corporation
2. Agricultural Finance  Corporation
3. Agriculture and Food   Authority
4. Agro-Chemical & Food  Company Limited
5. Alupe University
6. Anti FGM Board
7. Anti-Counterfeit Authority
8. Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya
9. Assets Recovery Agency
10. Athi Water Works Development Agency
11. Bandari Maritime Academy
12. Biosafety Appeals Board
13. Bukura Agricultural College
14. Kenya BIOVAX Institute Limited
15. Bomas of Kenya Limited
16. Business Registration Service
17. Capital Markets Authority
18. Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency
19. Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology In Africa
20. Chemelil Sugar (CSC) Ltd.
21. Chuka University
22. Coast Development Authority
23. Coast Water Works Development Agency
24. Commission for University Education
25. Commodities Fund
26. Communications Authority of Kenya
27. Competition Authority of Kenya
28. Co-operative University of Kenya
29. Council for Legal Education
30. Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology
31. East African Portland Cement Company Limited
32. Egerton University
33. Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority
34. Engineers Board of Kenya
35. Ewaso Ng’iro North River Basin Development Authority
36. Ewaso Ng’iro South Development Authority
37. Export Processing Zones Authority
38. Fish Levy Trust Fund
39. Garissa University
40. Geothermal Development Company Limited
41. Higher Education Loans Board
42. Human Resource Management Professionals Examination Board
43. Hydrologists Registration Board
44. Information and Communications Technology Authority
45. Insurance Regulatory Authority
46. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology
47. Jomo Kenyatta Foundation
48. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
49. Kaimosi Friends University
50. Kenya Academy of Sports
51. Kenya Accountants Secretaries National Examinations Board
52. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
53. Kenya Airports Authority
54. Kenya Animal Genetic Resource Centre
55. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
56. Kenya Bureau of Standards
57. Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
58. Kenya Copyright Board
59. Kenya Cultural Centre
60. Kenya Dairy Board
61. Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation
62. Kenya Development Corporation
63. Kenya Education Management Institute
64. Kenya Electricity Generating Company Ltd
65. Kenya Electricity Transmission Company
66. Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency
67. Kenya Film Classification Board
68. Kenya Film Commission
69. Kenya Fish Marketing Authority
70. Kenya Fisheries Service
71. Kenya Fishing Industries Corporation
72. Kenya Forest Service
73. Kenya Forestry Research Institute
74. Kenya Industrial Estates Limited
75. Kenya Industrial Property Institute
76. Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute
77. Kenya Institute for the Blind
78. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development
79. Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
80. Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis
81. Kenya Institute of Special Education
82. Kenya Investment Authority
83. Kenya Law Reform Commission
84. Kenya Leather Development Council
85. Kenya Literature Bureau
86. Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute
87. Kenya Maritime Authority
88. Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council
89. Kenya Medical Research Institute
90. Kenya Medical Supplies Authority
91. Kenya Medical Training College
92. Kenya National Accreditation Service
93. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
94. Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
95. Kenya National Examinations Council
96. Kenya National Highways Authority
97. Kenya National Innovation Agency
98. Kenya National Library Services
99. Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
100. Kenya National Shipping Line
101. Kenya National Trading Corporation
102. Kenya Ordinance Factories Corporation
103. Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd
104. Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service
105. Kenya Ports Authority
106. Kenya Post Office Savings Bank
107. Kenya Power and Lighting Company Ltd
108. Kenya Railways Corporation
109. Kenya Revenue Authority
110. Kenya Roads Board
111. Kenya Rural Roads Authority
112. Kenya School of Government
113. Kenya School of Law
114. Kenya Seed Company
115. Kenya Tourism Board
116. Kenya Trade Network Agency
117. Kenya Trade Remedies Agency
118. Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council
119. Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service
120. Kenya Urban Roads Authority
121. Kenya Utalii College
122. Kenya Veterinary Board
123. Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute
124. Kenya Water Institute
125. Kenya Water Towers Agency
126. Kenya Wildlife Service
127. Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board
128. Kenyatta International Convention Center
129. Kenyatta National Hospital
130. Kenyatta University
131. Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and Research Hospital (KUTRRH)
132. Kerio Valley Development Authority
133. Kibabii University
134. Kirinyaga University
135. Kisii University
136. Koitalel Samoei University College
137. KONZA Technopolis Development Authority
138. Laikipia University
139. Lake Basin Development Authority
140. Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency
141. Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency
142. LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority
143. Machakos University
144. Mama Ngina University College
145. Maasai Mara University
146. Maseno University
147. Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology
148. Media Council of Kenya
149. Meru University of Science and Technology
150. Micro and Small Enterprises Authority
151. Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
152. Moi University
153. Multi-Media University
154. Murang’a University of Technology
155. Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration
156. National Aids Control Council (National Syndemic Diseases Control Council)
157. National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse – NACADA
158. National Biosafety Authority
159. National Cancer Institute
160. National Cereals and Produce Board
161. National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
162. National Construction Authority
163. National Council for Children’s Services
164. National Council for Law Reporting
165. National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya
166. National Council for Persons With Disabilities
167. National Council for Population and Development
168. National Crime Research Centre
169. National Drought Management Authority
170. National Employment Authority
171. National Environment Trust Fund
172. National Environmental Management Authority
173. National Government Affirmative Action Fund
174. National Government Constituency Development Fund
175. National Hospital Insurance Fund
176. National Housing Corporation
177. National Industrial Training Authority
178. National Irrigation Authority
179. National Museums of Kenya
180. National Oil Corporation of Kenya
181. National Research Fund
182. National Social Security Fund
183. National Transport and Safety Authority
184. National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority
185. National Youth Council
186. National Youth Service
187. New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited
188. New Kenya Planters Corporative Union
189. Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board
190. North Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency
191. Northern Water Works Development Agency
192. Nuclear Power and Energy Agency
193. Numerical Machining Complex
194. Nursing Council of Kenya
195. Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation
196. Nzoia Sugar Company
197. Pest Control Products Board
198. Policy holders Compensation Fund
199. Postal Corporation of Kenya
200. Private Security Regulatory Authority
201. Privatization Commission of Kenya
202. Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
203. Pwani University
204. Pyrethrum Processing Company of Kenya
205. Regional Centre on Groundwater Resources Education Training and Research in Eastern Africa
206. Retirement Benefits Authority
207. Rongo University
208. Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation
209. Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority
210. School Equipment Production Unit
211. Scrape Metal Council
212. South Eastern Kenya University
213. South Nyanza Sugar Company
214. Special Economic Zone Authority
215. Sports Kenya
216. Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund
217. Taita Taveta University
218. Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority
219. Tana Water Works Development Agency
220. Tanathi Water Works Development Agency
221. Tea Board of Kenya
222. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority
223. Technical University of Kenya
224. Technical University of Mombasa
225. Tharaka University College
226. The Kenya Space Agency
227. The Universities Fund
228. Tom Mboya University College
229. Tourism Fund
230. Tourism Regulatory Authority
231. Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority
232. University of Eldoret
233. University of Embu
234. University of Kabianga
235. University of Nairobi
236. University of Nairobi Enterprise Services Limited
237. Uwezo Fund
238. Veterinary Medicines Directorate
239. Vision 2030 Delivery Board
240. Warehouse Receipts System Council
241. Water Resources Authority
242. Water Sector Trust Fund
243. Water Services Regulatory Board
244. Witness Protection Agency
245. Women Enterprise Fund
246. Youth Enterprise Development Fund

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