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Directions & Contacts

Equity Bank Customer Care Contacts And Branches

Equity bank has various ways through which customers can contact them and get assistance. One of the best way to contact Equity bank is through the official equity bank customer care number +254 763 063 000. There are also other effective ways you can still contact equity bank such as email and social media pages.

Apart from the official Equity bank customer care contacts you can visit any of the Equity bank branches near you for assistance. Equity bank has over 100 branches distributed across various towns in Kenya

Equity bank Kenya Contacts

The official Equity bank customer care number is +254 763 063 000. You can also contact Equity bank through the below platforms

  • Customer Care Number: 0763 063 000 or 0763 000 000
  • Email:
  • Facebook: Equity Bank Kenya
  • Twitter: Equity Bank Kenya
List of Equity Bank Branches in Kenya

Below is the list of all Equity bank branches in Kenya

List Of Equity Bank Branch Locations and Conatcts

Branch NameLocationContacts
Bomet BranchBomet Town 0702914937
Awendo Branch Along Migori-Rongo Road0707648657
Bondo BranchBondo Town0202369577
Bungoma BranchSupermarket Road020-2181353
Buruburu BranchBuruburu0717751473
Busia BranchBusia Town020-8060164
Changamwe BranchChangamwe715-413373
Chuka BranchChuka064-630570/1
City Hall BranchNairobi0711 026 023
Community Retail BranchNairobi020-2737347
Community Supreme BranchRagati Road, Nairobi 0711-026023
Corporate BranchFourway Towers, 4th Floor. 0722203869
Donholm BranchDonholm, Nairobi0712 705163/0737453638
Eastleigh BranchEastleigh, Nairobi0712705162
Eldama Ravine BranchEldama Ravine0711-026-313100
Eldoret BranchEldoret Town0711 937194
Eldoret Market BranchEldoret Town053-2060832/833
Embakasi BranchTaj Mall 2nd Floor0715414612
Embu BranchEmbu town068-31027, 30274
Enterprise Rd. BranchNairobi0718-540133
Equity Center BranchEquity Center, Ground Floor0717-751414/6
Equity Centre Supreme BranchEquity Centre Building, Ground Floor0711 026 010
Fourways BranchFourway Towers Ground Floor 0727878061
Garissa BranchGarissa Town0203545363/7
Gatundu BranchGatundu 0710-716097
Gikomba BranchBusiness Arcade, Nairobi6764202/3/4
Gilgil BranchGilgil020 2357513
Githunguri BranchGithunguri+254 020 2445047/43
Githurai BranchGithurai 020 2357603/4
Harambee BranchNairobi020 318122
Hola BranchSekondi Rd / Nanyuki Rd0203545303
Isiolo BranchIsiolo 020-8003016
J.K.I.A Cargo Branch BranchCargo Village, North Airport. Next To Kaa Head Office0705264233
Kabarnet BranchKabarnet Branch, Kabarnet –Litein Road0707 648667
Kagio BranchKagio town, Kirinyaga0722-893884
Kahawa House BranchNairobi0711-026313300
Kajiado BranchKajiado0714803827
Kakamega BranchKakamega Town056 – 30239/40
Kangari BranchEquity Bank Building Opp. Police Post060-44217
Kangema BranchKangema Town0721928168
Kangemi BranchNear Kangemi Market, Waiyaki Way0705264232
Kapenguria BranchKapenguria town020 2473818
Kapsabet BranchKapsabet Town053- 52565/52391
Karatina BranchKaratina town061-72524, 72709
Karen BranchKaren, Nairobi0702914904
Kariobangi BranchAlong Outer Ring Rd0723-786724
Kasarani BranchKasarani, Nairobi0715 413 265
Kawangware BranchKawangware, Nairobi 020-2105476
Kayole BranchKayole, Nairobi020- 2114147
Kengeleni BranchKengeleni 0726 852 559
Kenol BranchNairobi0717-968689
Kenyatta Avenue BranchKenyatta Avenue020 2322432/33
Kenyatta University Sub BranchKenyatta University 0702 121 119
Kericho BranchKericho town21622/21635/ 31156
Keroka BranchKeroka town0702914912
Kerugoya Branch Kerugoya town0722693367
Kiambu BranchKiambu Branch066-2022053/48
Kikuyu Branch Kikuyu town0203545451
Kilgoris BranchKilgoris town
Kilifi BranchKilifi town041 2006505/6, 041 2011025
Kilimani Supreme BranchAlpha Towers, 2nd Floor. Opp. Yaya Centre Along Argwings Kodhek Road+254708985773
Kimathi BranchKimathi Street0705264231/078956000
Kimende BranchKimende 0727 878 120, 051 800 6631/2
Kiria-Ini BranchKiria-Ini 020 2032345/060-51031
Kisii BranchKisii town058-30620/30625/30669
Kisumu BranchMega Plaza, Oginga Odinga Street057 – 2026163/2
Kisumu Angawa BranchKisumu town0705 000 911
Kitale BranchKenyatta Street, Kitele town054 – 31590/1
Kitengela BranchKitengela020-2181300/1
Kitui BranchKitui044- 4422007 / 044-4423006/79
Knut House BranchMfangano Street2222905, 2222906
Lavington Supreme BranchLavington Green,

Opp. Lavington United Church
Equity Bank – Junction Of Kolloh And Muthangari Road
Limuru BranchLimuru0710-716096
Litein BranchLitein020 2122700/ 0202122702, 052-54096
Lodwar Branch Lodwar Town0716-336 798 / 0731-468 412
Luanda BranchLuanda0717074334, 0731330342
Machakos BranchMachakos towm044 – 21541 /61 /85
Malaba BranchMalaba0572507202
Malindi BranchF.N. Centre, Lamu Road0713172064
Mama Ngina BranchNairobi020-317624, 317822
Mandera BranchMandera 0729753233
Maralal BranchMaralal 0716-336714
Marsabit BranchMarsabit town0717074331
Matuu BranchMatuu020 2048937
Maua BranchMaua064–21101
Mayfair Supreme BranchMayfair Supreme Center. Mayfair Center Building, Ground Floor

Ralph Bunche Road Across Argwings Kodhek Road
0708 985 746
Mbale BranchMbale202369608
Mbita Point BranchMbita0202357596
Mega Plaza BranchOginga Odinga Street. Opposite University Of Nairobi057 – 2026163/2
Meru BranchMeru town064-32920, 30059
Meru-Makutano BranchMeru
Migori BranchMigori town0722-214635, 0721-582352
Moi Avenue BranchMoi Avenue+254 020 2250058/52
Molo BranchMolo 0202314035
Mombasa – Digo Road BranchMercantile House – Digo Road0729-705274
Mombasa Moi Ave BranchMombasa0734146333/0723146333
Mombasa Road BranchKellico Complex Opposite Vision Plaza0731-501615, 0711-944318
Moyale BranchMoyale0703483455
Mpeketoni BranchMpeketoni, Lamu 0715-415013
Mtwapa BranchMtwapa0202333431
Mukurwe-Ini BranchMukurwe-Ini020-2369434/5/6
Mumias BranchMumias town020-2364319
Murarandia BranchKahuro0202103809
Mwea BranchMwea060-48451/06048249
Nairobi West BranchNairobi West0705000711
Jamia Mosque BranchNairobi0705000711
Mwingi BranchMwingi0729705270
Naivasha BranchNaivasha050-2020360/2
Nakuru Gatehouse BranchNakuru 051- 2212107/2217103 /2212089 /2215623
Nakuru Kenyatta Avenue BranchNakuru0723786732
Nakuru Kenyatta Avenue BranchNakuru town051-2215212
Namanga BranchNamanga 020-2400501/3
Nandi Hills BranchNandi Hills0716-336796, 0738-735417
Nanyuki BranchNanyuki 062-32914/15
Narok BranchNarok 050 – 23154 / 050 – 23155
Ngara BranchNgara0702113127
Nkubu BranchNkubu064 – 51220
Nyahururu BranchNyahururu 0706-803300
Nyali Supreme BranchNyali Super Centre
Links Road Bamburi – Mombasa
+254 20 2396826/7
Nyamira BranchNyamira 058-6144234/5
Nyeri BranchNyeri 061-2034876/ 2034324
Nyeri Kimathi Way BranchNyeri Kimathi Way 0722-892671, 0723-355657
Ol Kalou BranchOl Kalou 0789814759
Oloitoktok BranchLoitoktok0711952250, 0738575535
Ongata Rongai BranchOngata Rongai0710716099
Otc BranchOtc, Nairobi061-3152059
Ridgeways BranchRidgeways Nairobi0711-026313300
Ridgeways Branch BranchRidgeways Mall, Ground Floor
Equity Bank – Kiambu Road
Ruai Branch BranchKangundo Road
Next To Quickmatt
Ruiru BranchRuiru 020-2450586
Tala BranchTala020-2400515
Tea Room BranchNairobi:0729361796/0738735410
Thika Supreme CenterAlong Thika Kenyatta Highway0739500008
Thika Kenyatta Avenue BranchThika Kenyatta Avenue 067 – 20031/2
Thika Supreme Center BranchSection 9,
Along Thika Kenyatta Highway
Tom Mboya BranchNairobi020-344373, 317710
Ukunda BranchNeeti Plaza, Ukunda040-320-1004
Voi BranchUpper Floor, Njiri Plaza, Voi 0713510916/0738375128
Wajir BranchWajir 0612307600/1/2/3
Westlands BranchWestlands, Nairobi020 – 2345713 / 16 / 19
Westlands Supreme BranchWestlands Square
Ground Floor, Next To Uchumi
Ring Road, Westlands Nairobi
Wote BranchWote 44 -33576/7

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