St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro Physical Location, Postal Address, KNEC Code, Fee Structure and Contacts
St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro is a mixed day and boarding Public Extra County Secondary School located in Murang’a County. This is a cluster 3 high school under the Ministry of Education in Kenya and has been posting great KCSE results over years.
The school is a public school funded by the ministry of education and teaching the Competency Based Curriculum(CBC). In this article we shall review, St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro Physical Location, Postal Address, KNEC Code, Fees, how you can Contact the school and other related information about the school.
St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro Physical Location
St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro is located in located in Murang’a County. It is found in the central region of Kenya. The school is easily accessible from Thika town
St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro Postal Address: Not available
St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro KNEC Code
The school KNEC code for St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro is 10226232. You can use this school KNEC code together with index number to get the KCSE result of students. You can check KCSE results from this school by sending an SMS with your full index number (11digits) eg 10226232001 followed by the word KCSE to 20076.
St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro Fee Structure
Being an extra count school, the fee charged at this school is Ksh.75,000. However with the government government funding. Parents at St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro pay school fees of around Ksh.53,000 per year. This figure may vary depending on the year and school budget.
St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro Summary Details
Name of School: St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro
School Location: Murang’a
School KNEC Code: 10226232
School Postal Address: P.O. Box
School Category: Extra County School
School Cluster: C3
School Ownership: Government
School Type: Mixed Secondary School
School Website: Not Available
School Contact: Not Available
Some of the available extra curriculum activities available at St.Charles Lwanga Secondary School Karimamwaro include; Drama club, debate club, sports team, scouting, student association as well as music club.
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