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National Bank of Kenya Branch codes

National bank of Kenya has over 30 branches in Kenya. Each branch is assigned a special branch code that one can easily identify with. national Bank of Kenya head office swift code is NBKEKEN. Head office code is 12099

In most cases if you are a National bank holder, you might be asked to provide your account swift code or branch code for the purposes of processing your money. This is especially common when you are dealing with international money transfer.

National Bank of Kenya is a commercial bank in Kenya, it serves a largest economy in the East African Community. It is licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya, and national banking regulator.

National Bank of Kenya Branch codes
  1. Moi Avenue Branch – 12001
  2. Kenyatta Branch – 12002
  3. Harambee – 12003
  4. Hill Branch – 12004
  5. Busia Branch – 12005
  6. Muhoroni Branch – 12006
  7. Kianjai Agency Meru – 12007
  8. Baratina Branch – 12008
  9. Narok Branch – 12009
  10. Kisii Branch – 12010
  11. Nyeri Branch – 12012
  12. Moi’s Bridge Agency Kitale Branch -12013
  13. Kericho Branch -12014
  14. Eastleigh Branch – 12015
  15. Limuru Branch – 12016
  16. Kitu Branch – 12017
  17. Molo Branch – 12018
  18. Bungoma Branch – 12019
  19. Mombasa Branch – 12020
  20. Kapsabet Branch – 12021
  21. Awendo Branch – 12022
  22. Portway Mombasa Branck – 12023
  23. Valley Road Branch – 12024
  24. Hospital Branch – 12025
  25. Ruiru Branch – 12026
  26. Ongata Rongai Branch – 12027
  27. Embu Branch – 12028
  28. Kakamega Branch -12029
  29. Nakuru Branch – 12030
  30. Eldoret Branch – 12040
  31. Kisumu Branch – 12050
  32. Card City Branch – 12098
  33. Head Office – 12099
  34. TSC salaries – 12198

Read:National bank branches and contacts

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