Mumbi Girls High School Contact, School Code, Postal Address and Location
Mumbi Girls high school is a public boarding secondary school located in Kihara Kiambu county. The school is funded by the government of Kenya and managed through the board of management. In this article we shall get to know Mumbi Girls High School Contact, School Code, Postal Address as well as the Location where the school is
The school is well know for instilling values in students and helps them to acquire values of National patriotism, self-respect, self-reliance as well as self-discipline
Mumbi Girls High School Location
Mumbi Girls High School is located inMurang’a county, Kihara constituency, Kihara Division, Township location in Mukuyu Sub location.
Mumbi Girls High School Code
The school code for Mumbi Girls is: F2030609
Mumbi Girls High School Postal Address
To contact Mumbi High school use the postal address below;
Mumbi Girls High School
PO Box: 115
Postal Code: 10200
Murang’a Town
Level: Secondary School
Day/Boarding: Boarding
Gender: Girls
School Contact
School Phone:0722420920
Useful Links:
- Kapsabet Boys High School Direction, School Fees, Postal Address, School Code And Contacts
- Rocky Driving School Branches in Kenya, Fee structure, Contacts and Driving Classes