Kapsabet Boys High School Direction, School Fees, Postal Address, School Code And Contacts
Kapsabet Boys High School is a top performing national school located in Nandi county. In this article, I will show you how to get to Kapsabet Boys High School, the contact number you can use and the fee charged by the school.
Kapsabet Boys High School Location and Direction
Kapsabet Boys High School is a boys boarding Secondary school located in Kapsabet town in Nandi county. The school is 40 Kilometers from Eldoret town. You can also easily access Kapsabet Boys High school from Kakamega along Eldoret Chavakali Road. Kisumu and Kericho residents can also access the school from Kapsabet town.
The school was founded in 1925 as the Government African School.
History And Performance
Kapsabet Boys High school is a National school that has produced top candidates in KCSE exams over years. The school has consistently featured in top performing Secondary School in Kenya.
Kapsabet Boys High School Contacts
Address: P.O. Box 10, Kapsabet 30300
City/Town: Kapsabet
County: Nandi
School Category: public
School Code: 29500006
Phone Number: 053-52007
Email: info@kapsabetboys.sc.ke
Kapsabet Boys High School Fee Structure
Following the government’s decision through the Ministry of Education to end the subsidized fee scheme introduced in 2021 school Calendar, Kapsabet Boys has increased fee charged on students between Ksh 40,535 to Ksh. 53,554 per year. Apart from this tuition fee, the school has extra charges on other activities and services such as boarding charges, food, tours and so on.
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