How To

How To Withdraw money From Coop bank To Mpesa

Coop bank has made it easier for customers to transfer money from their bank account direct to Mpesa. To transfer money from your Co-op Bank account to M-Pesa, dial *667# and follow the prompts, selecting “Send Money” and then “To Mobile Money” (M-Pesa), enter the M-Pesa number, the amount, and confirm the transaction


Here Are the steps you should follow

How To Send Money from Coop Account to Mpesa

-Dial *667# and enter your MCo-op Cash PIN.

-Select option 2, “Send Money”.

-Select option 1, “To Mobile Money”.

-Choose “M-Pesa” as the service provider.

-Select the M-Pesa number to send to (either your own or someone else’s).

-Select the Co-op Bank account you want to debit.

-Enter the amount you want to transfer.

-Confirm the transaction and enter your MCo-op Cash PIN

Also Read>>>Co-operative bank ATM and Agent withdrawal Charges


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