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How to send money from Mpesa to Ecobank account

It is now easy to deposit money into your Ecobank account from Mpesa using the Ecobank Mpesa paybill number.

Ecobank customers do not need to visit the bank physically to make deposits or withdrawals thanks to automation of payment services by Ecobank.

You can use the Mpesa option to send funds straight to your Ecobank account or any other Ecobank account to make payments.

Apart from depositing or sending money to your bank account, you can as well easily withdraw money from your Ecobank account to your Mpesa wallet at the comfort of your home.

Ecobank Mpesa paybill number

To send money from Mpesa to Ecobank, Use the Ecobank Mpesa paybill number 700201

How to send money from Mpesa to Ecobank account-Step by step
  1. Go to the Mpesa menu on your phone or log into your Mpesa mobile app
  2. Select Lipa na Mpesa option
  3. Select Pay Bill
  4. Select Enter Business Number
  5. Enter Ecobank Mpesa paybill Number 700201
  6. Enter your Ecobank account number as the Account 526289689090
  7. Enter the amount you want to deposit eg Ksh.15,000
  8. Enter your Mpesa PIN
  9. Confirm and then send
  10. You will receive a transaction confirmation message from both Mpesa and Ecobank confirming your payment.

On the other hand you can withdraw  your money from your Ecobank account straight to Mpesa by Dialing the USSD code *335#

Among the key features on the Ecobank payment and mobile money that you can use include’;

  • Deposit and withdraw money
  • Send money to friends and family for them to redeem at our agents
  • Receive money
  • Purchase airtime
  • Pay for bills, goods and services
  • Check your account
  • Agents and small businesses can make collections electronically

If you do not have an Ecobank account. You can easily open one online

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Majira Media

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