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How To

How to check if your phone is original

It is easy to check and find out if indeed your phone is original or fake. With so many smartphones on the market, pirated and substandard phones always find their way to the market as well and they are always disguised as the original ones.

It takes a keen eye to identify whether a gadgets is indeed the genuine product from the said manufacturer.

In this article, we take a look at various methods you can use to test and find out if your smartphone is original.

  • Check the phone name from the phone settings

Checking your phone name from the settings menu is one of the easiest ways to identify the manufacturer of the device.

From your device settings, select the System settings and tap on the ‘About Phone’ option. From here you will be able to see the Device name, Phone model number, manufacturer date, Build Number among other features.

Check and confirm that the spelling of the Device name is correctly spelled. For instance is your Device Name written as SAMSUNG or SUMSANG. If it is the latter, the gadget is likely pirated.

  • Check the IMEI of your phone with CA

You can easily check the IMEI with the Communication Authority of Kenya to ascertain if indeed your phone is genuine and that it is registered with CA. To do so

  1. Dial *#06# on the mobile device to display its International Mobile Equipment Identifier number (IMEI).
  2. Copy that IMEI number and SMS it to 1555.
  3. You will receive a response from CA displaying details about your phone, including the make and model.
  4. If the details displayed on the reply SMS match with those of your phone (or the one you want to buy), then it is genuine. If they don’t, it is fake.

By following the above steps you will be able to retrieve useful information concerning your phone.

  • Use the QR Scanner

QR scanner is one of the effective ways to confirm the registration number and the manufacturer of your phone.

Most phone makers usually stick a QR code either at the back cover or inside the back casing of your smartphone. By running a QR scan on the QR code you will be directed to the website of the phone manufacturer and you will be able to see the model number of your phone.

Using any of the above methods will help you get to know if indeed your device is original.

It is also important to check and confirm if indeed the phone specifications stated indeed much with the device.

Check the RAM, storage space, processing speed and the version and make sure that they match the said specifications.

It is also important to make sure that your phone comes with warranty. Always insist on 12 months warranty certificate from the handset manufacturer.

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Fake phones come with a shorter warranty period since counterfeiters cannot guarantee it will last.

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Majira Media

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