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How To Apply For The American Green Card – Diversity Visa Program

If you wish to gain American citizenship through the green card also known as Diversity Visa Program. You can do so now as the application is open. Through this article, we shall go through the American green card application process step by step.

The green card application process is usually carried out each year between the months of October and November. The application process is usually open for a period of between 4-5 weeks.

The United States’ Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) Lottery program allows for up to 50,000 immigrant visas to be awarded each year. It gives foreign nationals of countries that have low rates of immigration to the U.S. an opportunity to participate in a random drawing for the potential of getting an immigration visa.

The application is usually done online on the Electronic Diversity Visa Program website which is under the U.S Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs.

The application is free of charge. Applicants are warned against falling prey to websites that charge applicants to make application.

how to apply for a green card

Eligibility for making application

The green card lottery application has seen some changes on eligibility for those who wish to make the application in the recent past.

  • One notable condition for one to be eligible to apply for the green card is that one must have a passport. Previously, applicants would make their application first before they can process travel passports. However as from 2019, it was mandatory for applicant to possess traveling passport and have a passport number before applying.
  • To be eligible to apply for the green card, one must also come from eligible countries allowed by the USA government to participate in the lottery. Each year The United States’ Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) Lottery program lists countries whose citizens are eligible to participate in the program.
  • You must also have at least graduated from high school or its equivalent or have qualifying work experience to participate in the program
  • It is also a requirement that the application should be done within the specified period. For instance, The DV-2022 registration period was opened on October 7, 2020, and closes on November 10, 2020. DV-2022 Entrants should keep their confirmation number until at least September 30, 2022. Applications made beyond that will be disqualified.
A photo of East African Community Passport

Now that you are eligible, what are the requirements for making green card application? Below is a list of requirements one must meet or have before making the online application.

How to apply for a Green Card

Requirements For Green Card Application
  1. Be in possession of a valid traveling passport
  1. You must have graduated from high school or its equivalent or have qualifying work experience to participate in the program
  1. Have original Identification documents ie ID card or birth certificate for minors.
  2. Have a digital passport photo (Soft Copy) of between 600 X 600 pixels and 1200 X1200 pixels.
  3. Have the same details for your spouse if any and for your children who are below the age of 18 years.It is good to note that de-pendants such as children are not required to have passports during application.

How to apply for a Green Card

Green Card Application Process

Step 1: Log into the Diversity Visa Program state government website

green card application process

Step 2: Read the entry instructions carefully before you can proceed.

Step 3: To start making your application, scroll down to “Begin Entry” Option that is found under Entry form and click on it

how to apply for a green card

Step 4: Enter the Authentication Code and click submit

Step 5: Fill part one Entrant Information. This section usually has 15 sections to be filled with details. Among the details to be filled in part one include;

  1. Name
  2. Gender
  3. Birth Date
  4. City where you were born
  5. Country where you were born
  6. State the country or Eligibility for the DV Program with a YES or NO
  7. Passport information
  8. Entrant Photograph
  9. Mailing address
  10. Country where you live today
  11. Phone number
  12. Email Address
  13. Your highest level of education
  14. Your current marital status
  15. Number of children

Step 6: Fill the details for your spouse and children if you had indicated in part two. If not proceed to step 7

Step 7: After successfully filling out all the sections, submit and print the page containing your confirmation number or otherwise note it down.

green card application process

Click here to begin the online application process

How Can you Know and Check if you were selected?

Conformation for selected individuals is usually done from the month of May the following year. For example, DV-2022 Entrants may enter their confirmation information on the same website starting at noon (EDT) on May 8, 2021. You can check your application status here.


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