Directions & Contacts

Communications Authority of Kenya Head Office Location, Regional Offices and Contacts

In this article, I will share Communications Authority of Kenya Head Office Location, Regional Offices and Contacts. he Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) is the regulatory authority for the communications sector in Kenya.

Established in 1999 by the Kenya Information and Communications Act, 1998, the Authority is responsible for facilitating the development of the information and communications sectors including; broadcasting, cybersecurity, multimedia, telecommunications, electronic commerce, postal and courier services.

Communications Authority of Kenya Head Office Location

The Communications Authority of Kenya Head office is located at CA Centre, Waiyaki Way, Westlands, Nairobi Kenya

Contact and Address

Commission for University Education

CA Centre, Waiyaki Way, Westlands

P.O Box 14448 -00800 Nairobi

Phone: +254 (20) 424000, +254 703 042 000, +254 730 172 000


Communications Authority of Kenya Regional Offices

Apart from the head office located at located at CA Centre, Waiyaki Way, Westlands, Nairobi. The Communication Authority of Kenya has 4 regional offices spread across the country. Below are the CA regional offices.

Head Office

Head Office
CA Centre
P.O Box: 14448-00800, Nairobi
Mobile: 0703 042000, 0730 172000


CA Coast Region Office

3rd Floor, NSSF Building, Mombasa

P.O Box: 81081

Mombasa 80100

Mobile: 0703 042152



CA Western Regional Offices
1st Floor, KVDA Plaza, Eldoret
P.O Box: 2346, Eldoret 30100
Mobile: 0703 042105


CA Central Region Office
Ground Floor, Advocates Plaza
P.O Box :P.O Box 134, Nyeri 10100
Mobile: 0703042181


CA Nyanza Regional Office
2nd Floor Lake Basin Mall
P.O Box:2016, Kisumu 40100
Mobile: 0703042130

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